Tuesday 2 March 2021

The Ultimate Self Sacrifice.

We all, I presume, have people we admire and look up to. I know parents, immediate family and friends come into that remit but, I mean people out with that, for instance, historical figures.The person I have admired from a very young age is Leonidas, king of Sparta at the time of the Persian invasion of Greece. He and his personal guards, made up of three hundred hoplites chose to confront a massive Persian invasion force at a place called Thermopylae. Unfortunately, after managing to hold the narrow strip of land for a few days, the Spartans were betrayed by a farm hand and were being outflanked. Instead of retreating, Leonidas and his three hundred hoplites stood firm knowing that their position was hopeless. They were willing to lay down their lives to give the forces from the Greek city states valuable time to prepare for the battles to come. They were indeed, all killed, the Persians marched on, only to be defeated in a naval battle at Salamis. 
I often wonder if I had been in the same position, would I have had the same courage as the Spartans. 
I will leave it there for whosoever reads this to think about.
Till next time.

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