Wednesday 16 March 2022

Monotheism 2

In Psalm 82 verse.  God says to the divine council, " You are Gods, sons of the most high, all of you. " Why does God not say, you are MY sons? The God mentioned first is presumably YHVH, so could the Most High actually be the actual creator God? I might be reading too much in to it but as someone who has an avid interest in Gnosticism, what I have just written, to me, fits in with the unknowable creator God is Most High, and the lower demiurgic God YHVH. 
To continue with the divine council narrative, I have been thinking on where the divine council met. Maybe they convened in the garden of Eden which brings me to Adam and Eve. Obviously, Adam and Eve were not the only humans on the planet but, could Adam and Eve have been created to be intermediaries between humans and the divine realm? The fact that they were both tempted to disobey God's law by what is misconstrued as a serpent somewhat ruined the plan. Michael Heiser says that the serpent wasn't actually an animal but a divine being, unhappy about mere humans having an influence in the divine council. He links the rebellious being to Lucifer. 
I will try and expand on this.

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